Trader Joe’s Creme Fraiche

This Trader Joe’s Creme Fraiche (pronounced krem fresh) is one of my favorite unique products TJ’s sells. It is significantly cheaper at $3.49 than other grocery stores crème fraîche, and that’s assuming they even have it. This is a really good replacement for cream to add a nice density to baked goods or to stews and soups. I always use a dollop or two when I make cioppino (who i am i kidding it’s just a bunch of seafood in a pan with some tomatoes and broth). It really thickens it up and adds an awesome rich dairy subtlety. I have also been known to add Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel Seasoning to some of this, let it sit for an hour, and then dip vegetables and other goodies in it………….

  • Great replacement for cream
  • Net Weight: 7.5 oz
  • Any recipe will be better with creme fraiche

    *Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Crème Fraîche at Trader Joe’s

If there was ever a product that called for interesting recipes, this is it! I admittedly haven’t used creme fraiche a ton in my baking, but am dying to know what everyone uses this in. One rule of thumb is if a product has those squiggly things above the letters and it’s French, the product is legit. I think that’s what Julie Child once said. Or something. The point is, the simple ingredients that add a nice rich flavor seems like a classic French culinary staple. Whenever I smell the Trader Joe’s creme fraiche it reminds me of the Trader Joe’s Cheesecake Cones that are made with quark cheese. That is my absolute favorite Trader Joe’s dessert, hands down. Check back for a glowing review of those cheesecake cones that seem to come and go randomly from the frozen section. Anyways, buy some crème fraîche for your secret recipe enhancer! If you can’t make it to TJs in person, check these other options out……

Creme Fraiche by Vermont Creamery (8 ounce)

Crème Fraîche Starter Culture | Cultures for Health | Delicious, creamy, probiotic, no maintenance, non-GMO

Price: $3.49

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