Trader Joe’s Wine, Charles Shaw

This Trader Joe’s wine, the old classic Two Buck Chuck, remains a super popular budget red and white wine at TJs. It’s been around for almost two decades and is still priced under $2 in places like California. It can be as much as $3.99 in some places though. It doesn’t matter if you’re having the white wines or the red wines, because they all have a super simple taste and not a depth of flavor, but they get the job done.

No one that is a sommelier will be buying this wine, but it gives you a nice buzz, and a bottle for that cheap should never be scoffed at. The funny thing is now that some canned wine and box wines have gotten a lot better, the appeal of these bottles has gotten a tad less for me. But if you want the absolute cheapest legit bottle of wine, this is your jam………….

  • Made from California grapes
  • Net Weight: 750 ML
  • Comes in varietals like Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Shiraz for red wines
  • White Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio offered in white wines

    *Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Wine at Trader Joe’s

So you’re wondering what the best Trader Joe’s wine is? I can assure you that this is not it. But that’s not really the point of Charles Shaw wines. It’s to get the cheapest bottle of red or white wine on a budget. What is everyone’s favorite varietal of Two Buck Chuck? If you’re are on a super budget and have to drink one white wine and one red wine from the Charles Shaw collections, what are you going with? I’d probably have the Cabernet Sauvignon and the Sauvignon Blanc. And before anyone says don’t drink this swill and you can get get way better wine for only a few bucks more- Yes that is true. But this is the cheapest wine at Trader Joe’s and there’s something to be said for that!…..

Price: $1.99 to $3.99

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