This Trader Joe’s vegan cheese, cashew cheese slices are surprisingly delicious. It doesn’t taste exactly like regular dairy cheese of course, but it melts really well, and has a pretty nuanced cheese taste. This is perfect for people looking for a relatively affordable dairy free, vegan cheese alternative. TJs vegan cheese has been available both shredded and in slices for a few years now, and sells for significantly less than the equivalent does at places like Whole Foods or Fresh Market………….
- 60 calories per serving
- Net Weight: 7 oz
- 0 grams of sugar per serving
- 0 grams of protein per slice
- Vegan, dairy free
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Trader Joe’s Cashew Cheese, Vegan Cheese
Trader Joe’s vegan cheese alternative is one of the classic TJs products that is hard to find anywhere else for a reasonable price and actually good tasting. How would everyone compare this TJ’s vegan cheese to other options they’ve had? If anyone has a really yummy way to use this cheese in a fun recipe, let us know! I know friends like to make vegan and dairy free nachos using the different TJs vegan cheeses. And if you can’t make it out to TJs, give these items a try…..
– Nooch It Dairy Free Cashew vegan cheese, grated
– Annie’s Vegan Mac and Cheese, Organic
Price: $3.99

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Trader Joes vegan cream cheese
So it’s dairy free but has 3.5gm saturated fat per slice! 99% of people looking for dairy free are doing that to reduce their saturated fat intake. And yes, saturated fat from coconut oil has the same deleterious effect. This product is not much better in terms of fat than skim milk cheese. Dairy free cheese and ice cream should have zero saturated fat and zero cholesterol.
Not true at all.
Most vegans are vegans to reduce animal suffering.
He didn’t even mention vegans in his comment. I absolutely understand what he meant, as someone who just found out she now has high cholesterol. His point was that many people in that situation or who have heart disease switch to dairy-free cheese to improve their health. He’s absolutely right about the saturated fat content. Considering the 3.5 grams, I might as well keep eating regular dairy cheese.